The primary aim of the programme is to help upgrade key sub-sectors of our industry around eight key natural resources of KP through scientific interventions.
Program Aim
The primary aim of the programme is to help upgrade key sub-sectors of our industry around eight key natural resources of KP through scientific and technological interventions. Research grants will be offered to consortia to develop measures for enhancing the value chain that will ultimately help in increasing annual production and therefore revenue for the province.
The highly competitive grants will be awarded to research consortia in any of the three areas composed of coPIs from academia, startups, industry, non-profits, NGOs and research institutions, both public and private, national and international bringing unique and complementary strengths. Each consortium will have one Corresponding PI (domiciled in KP) who will be responsible for reporting and communication purposes with the Directorate General.
Eight thematic areas
Bees and Honey
Fruits and Vegetables
Herbs and Biodiversity
Micro-hydro Power
Urban Environment
The research grants, of upto 20m rupees each, are highly competitive and will be awarded to consortia. The research grants will mainly cover HR salaries, equipment, consumables and reagents, community engagement and outreach activities and overheads.
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